An engaging and fun learning experience based on the Maamor…
Bring the Sukkah to them: DIY Sukkah Mobile
The words, “If you know an Alef then teach an Alef!” Are perhaps the driving call for every individual to reach out to another Yid.
On Sukkos we say, “If you have a sukkah then bring a fellow Jew inside.” And if they can’t come into your Sukkah, then BUILD one that you can bring to them!
With many limitations still in place, regular Sukkos parties may be on pause but as Chassidim, we know it is our Shlichus to continue Sukkos Mivtzoyim in full force.
To assist the many people who would like the opportunity to bring a Sukkah to the streets with a Sukkah mobile, Merkos 302 with the help of the Mitzvah Tank office, has put together a step-by-step guide and video to help with building one.
“We know this will be a sought after resource,” says Shmaya Hecht, one of the organizers. “As so many are looking for a way to bring this mitzva to people who would otherwise not have access to a Sukkah this year.”
To download the instructions click here.
In addition to the build-it-yourself guide, the Mitzvah Tank Office has been on full throttle preparing many Sukkah Mobiles for those living in the tri-state area. This is a great option for those who would like to book a ready to go Sukkah and live within distance to pick it up or schedule a visit.
Another equally important part of Sukkos celebrations is Simchas Beis Hashoeiva. Shluchim can still sign up here for the “Just Joy It!” program that can be broadcast at a time and on a platform of their convenience.