Tishrei will be different this year!

Tishrei will be different this year!

Tishrei 5781 will certainly look very different from years gone by. At Merkos 302, the dedicated team has been focused on making sure the difference is a positive one. 

The goal is clear; to steer the energy palpable around and empower every single Shliach and Shlucha to reach even more Yidden in an unprecedented manner.

“We approached Tishrei in a very bold way,” explains Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, vice chairman of Merkos L’inyonei Chinuch, “It was clear that in order to combat the negative energy that has been lingering for so many months, we must follow the Rebbe’s directives to add even more light. We are excited to share tens of practical Tishrei resources for Shluchim all in one centralized place – tishrei.merkos302.com.”

If we have learned anything from the past few challenging months it is that going virtual has unleashed a whole new genre of our Hafatza. 

The incredible uptick of Shofar blowing in parks, lakes, and fields, only bears as testimony to the remarkable dedication to the Rebbe’s Shlichus. 

The very idea of a virtual Simchas Beis Hashoeiva would have been inconceivable, yet now the incredible program is in its final stages.

On Chol Hamoed Sukkos, thousands of men, women, and children from around the world will tune in for a concert and celebration.

And look out for all the Sukkah Mobiles that will start rolling this year during Sukkos. With Covid restrictions still a consideration in most cities and states, this is an easy way to literally bring the mitzva of Lulav and Sukkah to the doorstep of every Jew in town.

Don’t forget about the opportunity to build your Yom Tov package in whatever way works best.

Whether you choose to bake, design, print, box the honey cake, bag the round challah, or put the Rosh Hashana guide in an envelope with a bow and ribbon or a simple one, there is a way to hand deliver the beauty and message of Tishrei to every Jew across the globe like never before.

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