Jewish teenagers from nineteen countries soaked in Jewish heritage sites,…

Hundreds Traverse The Globe Ahead of CKids Shabbaton and JewQ Championship
The atmosphere is electric as the JewQ Champions converge on Stamford, Connecticut, for the JewQ Championship event and CKids Shabbaton this weekend. The sight of proud young Jews wearing their JewQ merch could be seen in airports around the world, a testament to the incredible display of Jewish pride and unity that is about to take place.
The nearly 800 participants in the CKids Shabbaton arrived late Thursday night from hundreds of cities around the world to join this incredible experience. They are being treated to a five-star weekend that includes delicious meals, sightseeing trips, a meaningful visit to the Rebbe’s Ohel, and a powerful Shabbos of connection and inspiration at the Armon Hotel in Stamford, Connecticut.
The JewQ Championship event on Sunday is set to be the highlight of the weekend, with 300 regional finalists from 26 countries worldwide competing for the title of JewQ champion in a tournament filled with challenging games and crossfire questions.
For some finalists, this Shabbaton represents a realization of longtime goals and dreams, as they have worked hard all year to earn their spots in the championship. As Eitán Landenberg, a 6th grader from Cordoba, Argentina, puts it, “Going to the USA to compete in the JewQ Championship is a dream come true, and I’m so happy and excited to be here.”
For parents like Vanessa Levy, whose son Natan is the JewQ regional champion from Cali, Colombia, home to a smaller sized Jewish community, the weekend is an opportunity to connect with other Jewish kids from around the world. “This will be different for them, sharing a Shabbat experience together with so many Jewish kids from foreign places and languages. Yet, the tradition is the same, and that’s what unites us,” she says.
For Ben Becker, the father of DJ Becker, regional JewQ champion from Jacksonville, Florida, the event is a chance to come together as a united Jewish community. “I feel it is a great opportunity to come together as a Jewish community from various places and backgrounds and share our unique experiences with the common goal of furthering our knowledge of Judaism,” he said
According to Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, Vice Chairman of Merkos L’inyonei Chinuch, the incredible display of Jewish unity that is taking place at this Shabbaton is especially noteworthy in this Hakhel year, “This year of Hakhel, the unity that we are witnessing among these young scholars is truly inspiring. It is a testament to the power of Torah to bring Jews together, regardless of where they’re from,” said Rabbi Kotlarsky.
All in all, the JewQ Championship event and CKids Shabbaton promises to be an inspiring showcase of Jewish knowledge mastery and a celebration of the enduring strength of Jewish education. With the young scholars from all over the world joining together in their shared connection to Torah, it is a testament to the power of Jewish unity and community that transcends borders and language barriers.
Watch the JewQ International Championship this Sunday March 26 12:00 PM EST at