As the chill of winter sets in and the school…

Today: First-Ever Worldwide Virtual Kinus Hashluchim
Unprecedented challenges call for unprecedented solutions.
The first-ever Virtual Kinus Hashluchim is being held online today on a specially-created web platform to address matters of Shlichus specifically pertaining to these difficult times.
While the Kinus Ezorim will IYH continue this year as well (either online or in-person based on how regional quarantines and restrictions continue), coronavirus has created a “region” of a different sort – the all-encompassing changes to shlichus and family life that every shliach is facing individually.
“Our mission as shluchim not only remains unchanged, but gives us the added achrayus to be a driving force of positive action and leadership,” says Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, Chairman of the Kinus Hashluchim. “In the spirit of ish es re’ehu ya’azoru, and with achdus being our greatest source of strength, this specially-focused online Kinus Hashluchim will share inspiration, support, and practical ideas and techniques to support our shlichus and family life in these times.”
Thousands of shluchim are attending today’s groundbreaking Virtual Kinus Hashluchim, which has more than 25 workshops presented by shluchim, mashpiim, mechanchim and other professionals on topics of Ish U’beiso, Shlichus programming, financial matters and much more. Seminars include Hebrew, English, and Spanish tracks.
Thank you to the Chazak desk at Merkos 302, the Vaad of the Kinus Hashluchim, and all those that have invested their time, effort, and energy into putting this extraordinary event together.
To register and view the schedule, please visit

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