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Thinking Outside Of The Box Delivers For Young Shluchim
An 11 Nissan Mivtza Hachana for young Shluchim, featuring a brand new album of the Rebbe, required creative thinking from organizers to ensure its timely delivery.
Yud Alef Nissan, marking the Rebbe’s 120th birthday, was quickly approaching. MyShliach Hebrew division was busy preparing a preparatory Mivtza in which over 1,000 young Shluchim would take part. A beautiful program was taking shape, featuring a custom-made Rebbe album. Still, the logistical team was facing a dilemma.
“Printing and shipping the albums around the world didn’t seem like it would be possible,” explained Rabbi Mendy Schiff of MyShliach Hebrew. “The young Shluchim who participate in our programming are spread over three continents and tens of countries. Additional factors such as the international shipping backlog and high shipping costs forced us to get creative and think outside of the box.”
Schiff and his team arranged for the albums to be printed in several key locations. They were then distributed to the Shluchim in the area, ensuring all Shluchim families would receive the album on time.
Several Shluchim were enlisted to help pull off the logistical feat. Rabbi Mendel Wilenkin of Dortmund, Germany, distributed the album to the families of the shluchim across Europe. Rabbi Mendel Mondshine of Moscow, Russia, printed and distributed the album to all of Russia. Rabbi Kuti Kalmenson of China did the same for Asia.
The packages arrived to Shluchim 30 days before Yud Alef Nissan, containing a letter to the parents, a daily checklist for each child in the family, and a beautiful album with spaces set to be filled with sticker-backed pictures of the Rebbe, which were also included.
The packages brought much excitement and anticipation for the Rebbe’s upcoming birthday.
“It is impossible to describe the excitement and joy of receiving the packages. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for allowing our girls to connect to the Rebbe in such a special way,” messaged Mrs. Lepkivker, Director of Cheder Chabad Girls in Tel Aviv.
The checklist styled ‘Duch’ included a wide range of activities, encouraging the children to add in Chasidishe Hanhagos and learning.
Tasks included learning Mishnayos and Tanya Baal Peh, learning letters from the Rebbe, and giving over Sichos of the Rebbe by the Shabbos table.
Completing the tasks and filling out their checklist earned the children the sticker Rebbe pictures needed to fill their albums. The album comprised various photos of the Rebbe from throughout the Nesius and a select few iconic pictures of Chasidim. Recognizing the importance of the occasion, JEM provided several rare photos and even chose to publish a few images for the first time as part of the album.
“Preparing for special days on the Chassidishe calendar is an essential component of a Young Shliach’s Chinuch.” Commented Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky, Executive Director of Merkos 302. “Many of the children involved in the Hebrew division of MyShliach live in extremely remote areas. Providing these assets for them is a tremendous Zechus that we have.”
The Mivtza culminated with a virtual Farbrengen for all Yaldei HaShluchim on the day of Yud Alef Nissan. A grand prize, a ticket to New York to visit the Rebbe, was raffled off among those who completed the album.
Over Pesach, positive feedback came pouring in from Shluchim.
“The album is beautiful, and the Mivtza was amazing! It was clear that a lot of thought went into the details. Thank you for giving us such a structured and tangible way to prepare for Yud Alef Nissan,” wrote a Shlucha from Amsterdam in an email.
The publication of the Rebbe album was made possible through the generosity of Rabbi Meir Stambler.
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