Shabbat-It-Forward in Honor of Rabbi Yudi Dukes

Shabbat-It-Forward in Honor of Rabbi Yudi Dukes

Shabbat has touched the hearts and souls of so many, whether as a first exposure to Judaism, or as a lifelong bond with intergenerational family; whether as a reprieve from the stress of the workweek, or as a source of inspiration for our sojourn into the secular world. 

Much like Shabbat, Yudi served as a beacon of light, warming and touching each person he encountered with his energy and smile.

In honor of Yudi, Mitzvah Society is launching Shabbat-It-Forward, a new program to help share the experience of Shabbat. 

With so many unable to experience Shabbat in the traditional way, Share Shabbat allows you to send a Shabbat Experience kit providing all the tools necessary to celebrate Shabbat. Instructional commentary, conversation cards, and a booklet with thoughtful and insightful tidbits about Shabbat invite the recipient to experience a meaningful Shabbat dinner. The kit also contains grape juice, challah cover, kiddush cup and shabbat candles, with an option for a children’s add on including Shabbat themed activities and games.

“While we may not be hosting Shabbat dinners in our home, and we may not be organizing community Shabbat get-togethers, the experience of Shabbat can still be shared”, says Rabbi Mendy Ceitlin, director of the Chabad Mitzvah Society.

From unaffiliated and inexperienced in Shabbat observance to seasoned veterans looking for a deeper and more relevant take, The Shabbat Experience is sure to transform one’s appreciation and involvement in Shabbat.

We encourage you to share the Shabbat Experience with your friends or coworkers that would appreciate this taste of Shabbat. Visit to have a Shabbat Experience delivered.

Share the warmth and light of Shabbat and keep Yudi’s light shining bright. 

“Share Shabbat. Share Yudi’s light”.

Click here to order and Share Shabbat.

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