"There are two awesome aspects to Chabad's achievements that this…
Rosh Chodesh Society: Getting Ready for Next Year
Following a year of outstanding success, the Rosh Chodesh Society, the woman’s division of the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute (JLI), is already putting finishing touches on its upcoming course designed to educate, inform and celebrate the Jewish Woman, and which will, G-d willing, launch on Rosh Chodesh Kislev, 5772.
Now, barely three and a half months after the RCS unveiled a moving video at the Kinus Hashluchos highlighting the importance and benefits of woman’s Torah study, this grassroots effort has grown into a worldwide Jewish woman’s club with close to a thousand students!
“We have been blessed with an overwhelmingly positive response,” says Mrs. Shaindy Jacobson, RCS Director, “and are receiving numerous inquiries regarding membership. We’re hoping to accommodate and include as many Shluchos as we possibly can.
“No Jewish woman will be left behind. This is our goal, our mission and the life force of our RCS sisterhood. We invite you to join us in our woman’s Torah learning program. Your partnership is the strongest link in our collective chain.
“In recognition of the multiple requests that continuously keep coming our way we are pleased to announce the expansion of our enrollment by offering several additional membership slots.
“We are also thrilled to share the video we have produced exclusively for the Shluchos who have attended the Kinus this past winter. If one more Jewish woman is inspired to add in her sharing and study of Torah, then the world has become a better place. Something we all wish to live in.”
For additional information and/or to apply for membership in RCS before the deadline (in just 3 days – 12 Tammuz –7/14) please contact shaindy@myjli.com or go directly to www.roshchodeshsociety.com/guide.pdf
[vimeo http://vimeo.com/26110783]
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