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Met at Chabad Kinus Workshop
Shluchos are invited to attend a special workshop entitled “Singles to Soulmates, a Shlucha’s role.” The workshop hopes to empower Shluchos who may be looking for advice and guidance on how to approach the sensitive subject of dating and marriage with their community members.
The workshop, taking place at 11:00 AM in the Oholei Torah Lunchroom, will feature a panel of experienced Shluchos who will discuss various aspects of helping community members navigate the dating world. Topics include how to approach the subject of marriage, how to coach community members, and how to educate them on intentional dating. The panel will also address common reservations that Shluchos may have about talking about dating.
“Dating and marriage can be an extremely sensitive topic, and it’s important for Shluchos to have the tools and knowledge to approach this subject with their community members,” said Rabbi Beryl Frankel, Director of Chabad Young Professionals International at Merkos 302.
Moderated by Mrs. Gitty Webb of Chabad on Campus at Princeton University, the workshop will feature a panel of Shluchos with years of experience guiding their community members through the dating process, namely, Mrs. Manya Lazeroff of Chabad on Campus in College Station, Texas, Mrs. Nechamie Silberberg of Chabad on Campus in London, Ontario, and Mrs. Tzippy Friedman of Chabad Young Professionals in San Francisco.
The workshop will cover topics such as “Should you wait for community members to come to you?”, “How to approach the subject of dating and marriage,” and “How to be there for the singles in your community.”
“We want every Shlucha to walk out of this workshop feeling confident and equipped to talk about dating and marriage with their community members, said Dassi Gansburg, coordinator at Met@Chabad.”
The workshop will culminate in an open discussion where the Shluchos will have the opportunity to ask questions and get practical advice from fellow Shluchos.
For more information about Met@Chabad, visit or click here to message them on Whatsapp.
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