Hundreds of Yaldei Hashluchim Received  Mishloach Manos

Hundreds of Yaldei Hashluchim Received Mishloach Manos

Four hundred shluchim families, across the US and Europe, were deeply moved to receive mishloach manos packages from MyShliach and Uforatzto Circle. This heartwarming gesture, generously sponsored by Mr. Menachem and Dini Gurevitch means so much to these remote shluchim kids, for many of whom this was the only mishloach manos they received. 

Additionally the Merkos 302 Spanish department shipped 110 mishloach manos packages to the Yaldei Hashluchim in Central and South America. Made possible thanks to a generous donation of the Fried family from Chile, in memory of Hilel ben Tzvi OB”M.

Shluchim were so grateful for the love and spirit of Purim the MyShliach packages delivered as is clearly expressed in the tremendous feedback from this beautiful endeavor. Take a look in the MyShliach inbox!

To get involved in sponsoring future MyShliach or Uforatzto Circle gift packages please reach out to

Thank you so much! Wow! We received the box of mishloach manos on Taanis Esther (such perfect timing) and as I opened it and read the letter, I started tearing thinking how lucky my kids are to be a part of this beautiful family of shluchim. Thank you so much for thinking of them.

Usually Purim is harder for the children as they are not surrounded by their friends, and are not able to receive any Shalach manos.  

Their expressions as we opened the box together on Purim day, warmed my heart as they felt the love that someone else cared about their happiness and what they give up to live in our little remote town to do their shlichus. 

This gesture means so much to our family! Thank you for making their Purim so special!

Thank you for the wonderful and elaborate Mishloach Manot.
R. N.

Dear MyShliach,

Thank you so much for the best Shalach Manos I’ve ever gotten! 

On my shlichus I can’t get any klik chocolates or torinos, so now that I get it it’s awesome. Thank you so much for the best shalach manos ever!

From Shlomo, Levi and family

A huge thank you to Menachem & Dini Gurevitch for sponsoring the Mishloach Manos for our children! It was the greatest surprise when the box showed up at our door!

Our children were beyond thrilled, as they don’t really get mishloach manos locally.

It was a very kind gesture!

May Hashem bless you with only brachos!

Wishing you a freilichen Purim!
B. I.

Dear Ufaratzta Circle and My Shliach,

I was deeply touched to receive your beautiful and delicious Mishloach Manot, full of goodies but mostly, of care and attention. What a sweet (pun intended) gesture! It is especially meaningful in these times of social distancing, and made me feel once again in a deeper way what a zchus it is to belong to the Rebbe’s Army, to the family of Shluchim.

We said Lechayim Leiluy Nishmat Shmuel Gershon Nisan Gurevitch and for the Zchut of Menachem and Dini Gurevitch, for a long life with health, Nachas and material and spiritual success.

Thank you again and a big Yashar Koach,
N. H.

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