Today: Global Farbrengen for Kids

Today: Global Farbrengen for Kids

A children’s program in honor of Chof-Ches Nissan, alongside the 24-hour farbrengen.

Accompanying the ongoing 24-hour global farbrengen, The Moshiach Office at Merkos 302, has a special program planned for children of all ages. The Mega Kids Farbrengen will include games, stories, and interactive activities for kids to get involved in the koach of Chof-Ches Nissan when the Rebbe said, “Tut altz vos ir ken.”

In keeping with the day’s theme, the farbrengen will be based on the slogan, “It is I!” Children will engage with the idea that when the Rebbe said those immortal words, he charged every Jew, from the youngest child to the most wizened adult, to do whatever is in their power to bring Moshiach. An array of presenters will encourage every participant to understand that they each have the job of bringing Moshiach now by learning Torah and doing Mitzvos as best they can according to their age and abilities.

During the program, Tut Altz will also announce their new curriculum for kids – a series of classes that explain the messages of the Rebbe’s last ma’amar Ve’atah Tetzaveh in lessons that Children can easily understand. For more info, visit

The program will run from 1-2 pm EST. To join the Mega Kids Farbrengen, click here.  

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