Over the past month, girls from Melbourne seminaries studied a…
Over 100,000 minutes of Mishnayos and Tanya Baal Peh learned by Yaldei Hashluchim during Pandemic [VIDEO]
MyShliach’s “MBP” program just concluded a beautifully successful third season, with new incentives, inspiration, and motivation that helped over 400 Yaldei Hashluchim from around the world learning Mishnayos and Tanya Baal Peh.
“This season we added daily Zoom classes for the children, l’iluy nishmas R’ Mendel Drizin a”h, a beloved partner and friend of MyShliach for many years,” said Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky, director of Merkos 302. “The classes are an exciting addition to MBP, where the boys were able to understand what they are learning ba’al peh. The classes also created a sense of community and camaraderie between the participants.”
Also new for this season was MBP’s website, where every child could log the amount of hours and lines learned each day and watch as their learning grew into exciting prizes.
This season’s new features add to the program launched last year by MyShliach – a division of Merkos Suite 302. The “Tanya and Mishnayos Ba’al Peh program” is a learning project that motivates and helps Yaldei Hashluchim set aside time for daily study, and gives them the ability to recite words of Torah by heart, two hora’aos that were dear to the Rebbe. MBP encourages the boys to learn, memorize, and connect with lines of Tanya and Mishnayos through an exciting reward system, where they receive points and prizes for the time and lines studied.
The Frierdiker Rebbe said that anyone who speaks words of Torah purifies the air, and it’s even more effective when done by children. During these trying times of coronavirus, we are hopeful that the increase in our learning helped purify the world around us.
Please visit www.myshliachmbp.com for more information!
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