The team at Merkos 302 is working round the clock…

KIDS: WATCH LIVE! An Hour of Hiskashrus Featuring Itche Kadoozy
As a hachanah for Gimmel Tammuz, hundreds of kids will gather tomorrow for siyum to celebrate the completion of the Tut Altz Kids Ve’ata Tetzaveh program.
Tomorrow, Sunday, June 19, Chof Sivan, at 1:00 PM EST, hundreds of kids will gather virtually for an hour of hiskashrus. Hosted by Tut Altz, the event is a special Hachana Farbrengen to prepare for Gimmel Tammuz. The event will also serve as a siyum of the Tut Altz Kids Ve’atah Tetzaveh curriculum celebrating everything the children have learned.
Starring Rabbi Itche Kadoozy with classic comedy entertainment and Rabbi Mendel Lerman, who will lead nigunim and stories, the hour of hiskashrus will be both a meaningful and entertaining way to prepare for Gimmel Tammuz next week. Raffles will keep kids motivated, and of course, the highlight of the farbrengen will be an announcement of the Moshiach contest winners.
Since Pesach, kids have been learning the Ve’atah Tetzaveh maamer in school and at home, using the colorful and engaging resources provided by Tut Altz (see After mastering the concepts in three installments, children were challenged to join a Moshiach contest, a chance to showcase their creativity and present concepts of the Maamer in a unique and artistic way.
At this Sunday’s farbrengen, the first, second, third, and grand prize winners will be announced, and prizes will be awarded: $150 to Kehos for the grand prize, a model Beis Hamikdosh for first place, a popcorn machine for second, and a spikeball set for third.
“After so many children worked so hard to learn the maamer and create their projects, we are excited to acknowledge their efforts with this exciting celebration,” says Mina Adelman, contest director of the Moshiach Office at Merkos 302, “we hope it will be the final push we need to make Moshiach a reality.”
Sunday 20 Sivan, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM EST
Join the farbrengen live at

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