JNet Launches Global Three Part Campaign for Gimmel Tammuz with $500 Prize

Submissions accepted till Wednesday, 14th of Tammuz 5779 July 17th 2019  

This year, JNet invites you to continue to celebrate and mark the Rebbe’s legacy through our Gimmel Tammuz Campaign. We are promoting three ways of strengthening our connection to the Rebbe.

Here is how you can participate:

Learn the Rebbe’s Torah 

The Rebbe, in Hayom Yom, quotes a response to a Chasid’s request on how to maintain his connection the Rebbe, even though he doesn’t know him personally. Hayom Yom explains that the true bond is created by learning and studying his teachings of Chassidus.

In this curriculum, we explore the meaning, method and practice of joy as explained in Chassidus. 

Click here to view/download the curriculum – Joy

In this curriculum, we explore the need, role and place for a Rebbe – Jewish leader – in our life.

Click here to view/download the curriculum – Rebbe

Learn one of the above curriculum’s with a friend, enjoy the Rebbe’s teachings, and fill out this formto be entered into a raffle for $500. 

Make Someone a Leader

The Rebbe, in a Farbrengen shortly after his Father-in-law, the Rebbe Rayatz’s passing, implored chassidim to do something practical to show their continued connection to the Rebbe Rayatz. The Rebbe suggested that every chassid accept on himself to influence another in their connection with the Rebbe. To strengthen their connection not just by focusing on their own, but to share and inspire someone else in their connection with the Rebbe.

Our connection isn’t about how many people we reach but how well we teach them to reach. Our connection must engage us enough to share, and empower us enough to lead.

Inspire a friend to inspire someone else to do something special (learn Torah, give tzedakah, light Shabbos candles, put on tefillin etc.), and fill out this form to be entered into a raffle for $500. 

Share the Impact of #theRebbe

We are constantly seeing and hearing about the impact of the Rebbe. We have teamed up with Chabad.org to create an incredible opportunity to record and publicize these many encounters, and allow them to impact even more people. Social media users are encouraged to share their moment, story, or effect of the Rebbe with the hashtag #therebbe. 

This campaign hopes to bring these precious moments of connection to life. The goal is to shine light on these encounters, and to allow them to continue to shine bright, and affect others.

Share an impact the Rebbe had on your life, or someone that you know. Include the hashtag #therebbe, and make sure to tag @jewishlearningnetwork, or post it on our facebook page. Fill out this form to be entered into a raffle for $500.

Click here to fill out the form and enter the raffle!

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