Hundreds of Shluchim from the New York/New England areas gathered…

Inspirational Evening of Inspiration and Song
Last night, thousands of Shluchos gathered at the Brooklyn armory for the annual Kinus Hashluchos Melava Malka. Known for its personal and uplifting atmosphere, the event did just that. In the spirit of Hakhel, the Melava Malka took place at the armory allowing the nearly 4,000 participants to unite in one room.
The theme for the evening was “Ashreinu – How Fortunate Are We,” and the speakers shared their experiences and insights on the privilege of being a Shlucha.
The evening began with Chaya Tawil from Salta, Argentina, reciting Tehillim, and featured inspirational speeches from Shluchos around the world, including Mrs. Mina Eisenbach from Litchfield, CT, who spoke about “Small Town Shlichus” and the tremendous impact one could make.
Mrs. Kaila Danzinger from Rostov, Russia, shared her journey from growing up in California to becoming a Shluchah in Rostov, Russia. Mrs. Ali Leverton shared her experiences as a Shlucha in West Windsor, NJ and
Mrs. Nechamie Greenberg from Shanghai, China, spoke about the unprecedented times we live in and the unique type of Shlichus that has now arisen.
The night concluded with an inspirational video presentation featuring Mrs. Goldie Grossbaum from Folsom, CA and Mrs. Mushki Shmotkin from Alameda, CA.
The Shluchos were uplifted by beautiful musical presentations by The Klein Family and a stirring violin performance by Golda and Sarale Kleinberg.
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