On Monday, December 15th there will be a very special…

1,800 Chavrusas in honor of Yudi Dukes
Jnet is launching a global campaign in honor of the shloshim of JNet founder Rabbi Yudi Dukes, ‘raising’ 1,800 new Chavrusa’s in his memory.
Growing up in yeshiva, we don’t always realize the gift of learning with a Chavrusah.
A Chavrusah isn’t just two people learning the same topic together―it creates a new experience for both participants. It’s a process. A journey. One in which you are in it, figuring it out, together.
There is thought provoking dialogue and passionate debate, each of you challenging the other to grow and expand your perception of the text. Unlike a typical Torah class or learning on your own, the Chavrusah creates the space to make your learning personal, at your level, while taking you out of your comfort zone; thus allowing you to truly absorb and resonate with what you’ve learned.
To put it simply, the Chavrusah experience brings the pages of Torah to life―and into your life.
For a Jewish person who has never had the opportunity to go to yeshiva, the Chavrusah is a game changer. It makes Judaism personal, giving them the opportunity to learn the text at their own level of comfort and depart from the theoretical and embrace practical, personal understanding and application. The impact of these sessions in a person’s connection with their Jewish identity is tremendous. Many a life has been transformed for the good during the study of Torah in these one-on-one partnerships.
This powerful experience is the driving force of Jnet―a lifework that Yudi Dukes dedicated his heart, time, and energy to achieve. As the founder and director of Jnet, Yudi lived and breathed this mission. It walked with him through all of his moments, right up until his holy soul returned to his Maker.
Yudi lovingly cultivated each and every Chavrusah on an individual level and was personally in contact with each of them. His dream was to build Jnet into a global community of thousands, passionate about their identity, who would bring their Torah study into their homes and communities.
To this end, he worked tirelessly, making great strides and accomplishments in achieving this goal. Sadly, Yudi was taken from us before he could see the completion of this vital work.
Now, at the end of his shloshim, Jnet is launching an initiative to honor his mission with the launch of 1,800 new Chavrusahs.
But this cannot be done alone. In his z’chus, let’s make this happen!
Here’s how you can get involved:
- Take a moment, scroll through your contact list or just think about those in your circle of influence who could benefit from such a meaningful burst of yiddishkeit and Torah study in their lives.
- Send them a message or give them a call explaining the meaningful opportunity that is at hand. “I know just how much you love to explore interesting topics in Judaism. This project made me think of you.”
- Join the campaign yourself or get a friend on board and begin the journey at Chavrusa4Yudi.com.
You can also make a Chavrusa on your own, in your own time. And submit it.
Whatever you choose to take on, the point is we do this together. Together, we can make a real positive impact in our fellow Jews’ lives―for identity, family, continuity, and for the dream a young man worked so hard to achieve.
All it takes is a minute to reach out.
We know this mission, like his soul, lives on. Today, you have the power to make it bigger and bolder than ever.
Register at Chavrusa4Yudi.com.

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